Hello, I’m Emu!

I am a UX/UI designer with a background as a web designer in Japan. I’m interested in creating harmonious relationships between users and products using creative and empathic design.

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Eva logo image

Plant care mobile app design

Designing a personal assistant app which helps novice plant owners better understand plant care and gain confidence in their abilities.

My role: UX researcher, UX/UI designer

Indigenous Services Canada logo image

Government agency website redesign

Redesigning the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) website with an improved navigation system and user-friendly content/layout.

My role: UX researcher, UX/UI designer

Pollution Probe logo image

Non-profit organization website redesign

Redesigning and organizing an environmental conservation group's content-heavy website to visually communicate their goals, history, and brand.

My role: UX researcher, UX/UI designer, logo designer

Costco Wholesale logo image

Costco Wholesale website redesign

Conducting user research to reveal problems behind Costco's current website and ​prototyping redesigned pages with HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery & Slick), and Bootstrap.

My role: UX researcher, front-end developer


User research image

User research

Seek user insights that clarify the core problem and user needs by using both quantitative and qualitative data.

User empathy image

User empathy

Get to the bottom of user insights by repeatedly asking “why” and see the problem from users’ points of view.

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Visual design

Create not only beautuful, but also usable designs with an obsessive attention to detail.

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Able to prototype quickly and effectively to communicate the design idea and also validate assumptions by testing.